iP 100 Club

iP 100 Club


Our 100 club helps to provide the Playhouse with the resilience needed to face the future with confidence.

Joining our 100 Club also provides you with a chance to win a cash prize each month.

Anyone can join as long as you are over 16.

There is a monthly draw and tickets are £5 each, payable by monthly standing order into a dedicated Playhouse bank account. In return you get a personal draw number which is then entered into every monthly draw for as long as you stay involved. You can have as many tickets as you want!

There are currently two prizes, together totalling 20% of the draw proceeds each month, with the remaining 80% going to the Playhouse. The more tickets we sell, the better for everybody. As of December 2023, we have raised over £11,000 for Playhouse funds!

We already have over 60 regular ticket commitments each month and the First Prize is currently £50. We welcome new 100 club participants.

For more information about how to register and a copy of the rules contact Richard Neale on:  07702  382 635 or richardnealeclubip@gmail.com

Richard Neale                                    

iP 100 Club Administrator