Bard in the Yard

Bard in the Yard

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An Ilkley Playhouse Fringe Production

A Summer Feast from the Works of Mr William Shakespeare.

In 2020, Bard in the Yard consisted of a selection of Shakespearian monologues. In 2021 it was half-hour versions of Macbeth and Twelfth Night. In 2022 it was a half-hour version of Romeo and Juliet plus half an hour of Shakespearian duologues. 2023 brought us Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All were extremely well received and well attended (and amazingly – DRY!) This year it will be a half-hour Richard llI directed by Dick Hebbert and a half-hour TheTempest directed by Andrew Leggott.


Bard '24, for the first time brings you a history - and what a history it is!  Richard III is perhaps the best known and bloodiest of Shakespeare's historical plays, charting Richard Duke of Gloucester's ruthless rise to the throne of England.  

But what goes up must come down and by the time Richard reaches his goal, the enemies he made getting there are queuing up to get their revenge....

''And therefore since I cannot prove a lover

To entertain these fair well-spoken days

I am determined to prove a villain''



Magician and deposed Duke, Prospero and his daughter Miranda are marooned on an island with its rightful owner, the vengeful Caliban, and the mischievous spirit, Ariel.

Fate and conjuring shipwreck their enemies on the same shore, and in half an hour, Prospero is restored, Miranda is betrothed to a handsome Prince, Caliban regains his sovereignty, Ariel is freed to the winds, and a jester and a drunken butler get their comeuppance!

Thought to be Shakespeare’s last solo play, The Tempest retains all his mastery, charm, humour and romance.

Saturday 24th August 2024 at 7.30pm in the Wildman Studio at Ilkley Playhouse

Sunday 25th and Bank Holiday Monday 26th August at 2.00pm at the Manor House Yard*

Tickets £8 (£5 students)

Each play last 30 minutes

*Tickets for the Manor House performances available on their website here

It has been fine for four years but worry not – in the event of a downpour we can easily transfer back to the Playhouse.