


By Peter Quilter

After one of Florence Foster Jenkins performances, the critic from Life magazine wrote “Probably the most complete and absolute lack of talent ever publicly displayed in Manhattan". One billboard read “Listening to her bleating is something like eavesdropping on a padded cell inmate”.

Basically, Florence Foster Jenkins couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!  She was ridiculed for her poor timing, pitch, tone and terrible pronunciation of foreign lyrics. Despite that, in 1944 at the age of seventy-six, she played Carnegie Hall to a capacity audience and had celebrity fans such as Cole Porter and Caruso by the score.

Florence's story is one of triumph in the face of adversity, courage, conviction and the belief that with dedication and commitment a true artist can achieve anything.

From this true-life story, Peter Quilter has written Glorious!

A delightfully funny and warm play. Expect to be immersed into 1940´s New York society as if you were attending one of Florence's famed concerts.

If you want a night at the theatre full of music and laughter where you leave with a feel-good and happy disposition come along and experience Glorious!

“People may say I couldn't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing”. 

Directed by Chris Winstanley

Wharfeside Theatre