Poetry & Literature Course

Poetry & Literature Course

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Our popular Poetry & Literature course returns on Thursday 5th September and will cover the following topics:

Who's Afraid of Marcel Proust?

Ever thought about reading Proust, but felt intimidated? It’s just too long, too serious, too difficult, too ‘great’, too much?

This section of the course will remove the intimidation factor from Proust. It offers a friendly, supportive and encouraging environment where we will find our way through Swann’s Way, the first volume of In Search of Lost Time.

Poetry of Place

Place has long fascinated poets.  Pastoral, landscape, ‘nature’, cityscape, architectural space – a host of locations have driven poets to contemplate the relationship between humans and the places we inhabit. This part of the course features poetry from the Romantics to the 21st century, from Wordsworth to Armitage (and other poet laureates in between).

Course dates on Thursdays 10.30am - 12 noon:

5th, 12th, 19th and 26th September

3rd October  

(No classes on 10th and 17th October)

24th October

(No class on 31st October)

7th, 14th, 21st and 28th November

Sheridan Suite

£75 for ten sessions

Course Tutor: Robert Hemmings, PhD

Dr Robert Hemmings has been teaching, researching, and writing about literature and culture for more than 25 years. He has published widely (a book, many articles and chapters) on a wide range of topics, including modernism, material culture, nostalgia, trauma, medical humanities, war poetry and children’s literature.

He has a special interest in lifelong learning and so is very pleased to have the opportunity to read and discuss poetry and other cultural texts at the Ilkley Playhouse.