The Trials

The Trials

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by Dawn King

This amateur production is presented by arrangement with NICK HERN BOOKS

Directed by Damien O’Keeffe

In the not-too-distant future, where the air has become unbreathable and the temperatures soar, 12 young people are gathered to hold their parents’ generation to account for the unfolding crisis. Will they deliver justice or exact revenge?

Dawn King’s play, first produced in 2022, is partly a thought experiment, a “what if?” but what makes it so chilling is that this future may be closer than we think. Three adult defendants each give evidence to the young jury who must then deliberate on their guilt or innocence. The penalties are severe.

This is a powerful play about responsibility that puts the voices of those who have no choice but to live with the consequences centre stage.

“If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention”.

The production contains occasional strong language and includes themes of death, execution and drowning.  Recommended for ages 12+

Thursday 16th - Saturday 25th January 7.30pm

Matinee: Saturday 18th January 2.30pm

Tickets £14.00, £12, £6, £5

Wharfeside Theatre