Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley

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by Helen Edmundson

This amateur production is presented by arrangement with NICK HERN BOOKS 

Directed by Andrew Leggott

Mary Shelley, best known as the author of Frankenstein, was the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft a writer, philosopher and advocate for women’s rights, who died when Mary was just a tiny baby.

Helen Edmundson's compelling play explores a key period in the early life of Mary Shelley – her meeting and scandalous elopement aged sixteen with the romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was married at the time, and its consequences for her sisters, her stepmother and her troubled father, the political philosopher William Godwin.

The play covers a tumultuous two years of Mary’s life, from meeting Shelley to marrying him, shortly after which she anonymously published one of the greatest Gothic horror stories ever written.

“We cannot let our lives be small. There is no life but loving.”

The production contains the occasional sound of thunder and lightning.

Thursday 24th April – Saturday 3rd May 2025 7.30pm

Matinee: Saturday 26th April 2.30pm

Tickets: £14.00

Over 60s: £12.00

(Mon-Thurs and Matinee)

Students: £6.00

Greenroom: £5.00

Wharfeside Theatre